In this six-month coaching program, you will create healing and personal growth by learning how to align your hearts and minds with the following  SIX FOUNDATIONAL UNIVERSAL LAWS.

  1. The Law of Divine Oneness: This law teaches you how to be in partnership with Heavenly Father and your Heavenly Team so you can create your inspired life, one step at a time.
  2. The Law of Expansion: This law helps you to expand your heart and mind to create more fulfilling and purely loving relationships with yourself and the other key relationships in your life.
  3. The Law of Consciousness: Through learning and practicing the principles that activate this law you will be empowered to become more conscious of your spiritual gifts, to become more sensitive to the promptings and inspiration you receive, and to gain more confidence to trust and act on those promptings.
  4. The Law of Supply and Abundance: God wants you to be abundant and experience all the joy and beauty that life has to offer. As we learn about this law you will have the opportunity to address and shift any beliefs that are sabotaging your ability to create a more abundant and fulfilling life.
  5. Law of Intention: Learning how to create your life through clear intention is the first step to creating goals that are realistic and in alignment with your truth and divine plan.
  6. Law of Motion and Flow: When we are in alignment with motion and flow, we will know how to get out of our own way so that our lives can unfold in divine order for our highest good.

As a BONUS, I will teach you how to use the power of energy work to dive into your own fears, limiting beliefs, and sabotages, putting you in the driver's seat of your own healing and personal growth so you can become fully aligned with our divinity and operate from your divine center so you can live YOUR inspired, purposeful, and fulfilling life!

I help truth-seekers unbecome who they are not, so they can operate from their divine center by aligning with the universal laws that govern all things and live an inspired, abundant, and fulfilling life. 

This course will be taught weekly on TUESDAYS. Each coaching session will be 90 minutes and there will only be THREE PEOPLE PER GROUP so that you will get the individual, personalized attention and energy clearings that are instrumental in helping to feel empowered to do the work that will facilitate your own growth and healing.

This course will be offered on Tuesdays at:

  • 9:00 CST

  • 12:00 CST

  • 3:00 CST

  • 7:00 CST





Monthly Installments


for 6 months

This course comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you are not fully satisfied with your results by the end of the second month and you have shown up for class and then practiced what you are learning 20-30 min a day at least three days a week, then you will get a full refund.